I love a good hot dog but I like them doctored up and something else have really loved his chili so combined chili with a hot dog you get these wonderful chili dogs they're absolutely delicious you're gonna love them so let me walk you through it and let's get started.

 okay guys I'm gonna kick things off here with half a kilo of lean ground beef and I'm just gonna break this up and brown it if you're not sure half a kilo is about a pound now even though this is lean you might want to drain it a little bit cuz you're gonna get some fat off this but the fats okay after about four or five minutes we have browned up here.

 I'm gonna add in oh I'd say about a quarter of a red onion you can uzi on the inner side just like red because it adds that nice sweetness three cloves of chopped garlic and I'm just gonna saute this until that beautiful fragrance still - Sierra okay after the onions are fairly translucent that wonderful flavor of the earth smell of the garlic is in the air I'm gonna add in some salt and continue to spice it up with some pepper and the star of the show two tablespoons of chili powder 540 milliliters of red kidney kidney beans and these are drained and 540 milliliters of diced tomatoes and I haven't drained these let's cut them all here and then I'm just gonna stir this up until everything is well combined mmm smells incredible.

 I'm just gonna lower the heat a little bit and let this simmer for 13 to 15 minutes after simmering them for about 15 minutes it's done in this just smells incredible so I'm gonna kill the heat and set it aside and let it cool down a little bit well but chili is cooling down a little bit I'm gonna add some oil to a preheated pan place our hotdogs in and of course you're gonna rotate these and I'm using an all-beef hot dog but you can use a hot tug of your choice it or even sausage.

 now I should mention and grill this as well but it's cold out so I don't want to do that right now okay after a few minutes our dogs are cooked through so I'm just gonna kill the heat and we're gonna go ahead and place the hot dogs in the buns now you can you can toast these buns but I just like them plain scoop are super delicious chili over the top now I should mention too that you're gonna end up with some extra chili but you can put it in a bowl and have it on a cold day it's absolutely super followed by some old sharp cheddar cheese and we're gonna go ahead and drizzle some yellow mustard overlays and this is completely optional but I like it.

  last but not least garnish it up with some green onions and again this is optional but it just gets that additional flavor and gets that green effect in there mm-hmm looks so good and there you have it guys are super delicious chili hot dogs you're gonna love these and just look at these aren't they absolutely fabulous .this absolutely incredible the keys the chili the hot dogs. just great for the full scoop on this recipe head on over to cook and share comm all kinds of cool stuff over there