a bacon caramel pecan topping that is just absolutely incredible so let's get started first the bacon place a medium saucepan over medium heat and add four strips of chopped bacon saute that stirring occasionally until the bacon is crisp and browned then transfer it to a plate with a slotted spoon and right into that bacon fat we're gonna melt in five tablespoons of unsalted butter.
next add one cup of packed light brown sugar you'll know it was packed if you empty it from the measuring cup and it keeps its form now add a tablespoon of water and a quarter teaspoon of salt making this a salted caramel sauce bring that to a light boil then reduce the heat to low and keep it at a simmer for another five minutes stirring occasionally.

now remove the pan from the heat and stir in 1/2 a cup of heavy whipping cream and a teaspoon of vanilla extract once that's pretty well blended together stir in the chopped cooked bacon place it back over the heat and lightly boil another one to two minutes or until the sauce is completely smooth take that off the heat and let it cool for about 10 minutes before serving and this bacon salted caramel sauce is incredible you want to keep every last drop.

now we're gonna make the French toast I'm using a loaf of Italian bread here but you can also use Texas toast which is a thick sliced bread you'll need about 9 to 10 3/4 inch thick slices.

now in a large mixing bowl whisk together the wet ingredients you'll need 1 cup of milk 3 large eggs and a teaspoon of vanilla extract whisk just until blended.
now while whisking add the dry ingredients that's 1/4 cup of all-purpose flour a tablespoon of sugar half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of salt whisk until it's completely smooth.

now dip each piece of toast generously into the egg mixture turning a couple of times to thoroughly coat the bread let any excess drip back into the bowl you'll need to cook in about two to three batches unless you have a large griddle place a large nonstick skillet over medium heat.

add a tablespoon of butter once the butter stops sizzling add each piece of french toast keeping them in a single layer saute for about three to four minutes per side over medium heat if you see the French toast is browning too quickly adjust the heat because you want the egg mixture to cook all the way through the toast add more butter and repeat with the next batch alright everything is ready our french toast is toasted we have our luscious caramel sauce and it's thickened a little bit and if you want it looser you just heat it up a tiny bit but this looks perfect look at that chunky bacon oh so good I'm telling you.

 then also I toasted some pecans earlier and we're gonna use that to sprinkle on top just serving it with some fruit because this is perfect for breakfast or brunch or lunch like right now or even a sweet treat after dinner okay so we're gonna build one of these and it's so easy you can completely make these ahead of time load them up and just serve them easy-peasy.

then this caramel sauce you want to put a good heaping tablespoon of it on each piece just like that spread it around okay and then I'm telling you that bacon is so irresistible oh my goodness and it adds a tiny bit of salt so it's like a salted caramel it's it's so good  and then last but not least we've got our toasted pecans just sprinkle those over the top and just it's so beautiful I'm excited.

I'm gonna get right into this taste test because I cannot wait any longer and of course this is the best served when it's warm so let's do this I'm a happy girl right now  this is fantastic I mean everybody is just like melt-in-your-mouth delicious you got that sweet and savory with the bacon little bit of salted caramel and then the French toast base is absolutely amazing crisp on the outside soft on the inside perfectly cooked through and it really doesn't get any easier this is such an easy french toast recipe you're gonna make it over and over and over and you're gonna fall in love with this topping I'm telling you it's perfect for special occasions or brunch parties that's right crowd-pleaser right here I love that you can make a big batch all at once and serve it's so easy to serve so easy to eat.